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Consumer Goods and Services

Products and services that are utilized in everyday life are put to the test on a regular basis. Consumers rely on new enterprises to maintain serving their requirements, whether they’re buying kitchen appliances or status goods, making competition fierce. To keep and create markets, companies that build products and deliver services must stay ahead of the curve in terms of innovation, while also ensuring that their brand remains trusted across product lines. Consumer spending is driven by goods and services that range from tangible to digital, durable to non-durable, necessary to purely pleasurable. Merino has aided consumer-facing sectors, working to ensure companies to protect their ideas and implement commercial solutions so that commerce may continue to flow and customers consume.

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Branding, digital media, software, hardware, designs, and other intellectual assets are all examples of AR/VR innovation. In this continually changing economy, navigating the IP landscape is a difficult task.

Merino has a deep understanding on developing legal strategies for automakers and suppliers in the automotive industry to assist safeguard, advocate for, and monetize their high-value IP assets.

Cosmetics, food and beverage, health and beauty, nutrition, sports equipment, electronics, and other consumer products are among Merino's specialties. We have a long history of dealing with these many industries and are familiar with the rapid rate of development and improvement, changing consumer needs, and the power of a great brand.

Consumers now have access to an ever-increasing variety of low-cost, portable gadgets that provide measurements and information about their personal health and lifestyle. This type of information can be important in helping healthcare practitioners provide higher levels of care in an increasingly connected environment.

Protecting financial services, software, and life sciences advances has posed distinct issues for decades. We engage with customers across a wide range of technologies, leveraging our historical knowledge and acute attention on the ever-changing patent eligibility landscape.

It's no wonder that food and beverage firms devote significant money to developing new goods and novel packaging and marketing strategies. Companies must safeguard their investments by gaining and safeguarding the underlying intellectual property rights resulting from their innovation.

Due to the different technologies and intellectual assets generally associated with cutting-edge gaming innovation, protecting IP in this ultra-competitive business is a difficult challenge. We establish complete, holistic IP strategies in conjunction with clients to safeguard the full range of their technology and innovation.

The comeback in robotics research and development is due to technological improvements in semiconductors, sensors, digital imaging, wireless communications, control software, and material science. Merino collaborates with thought leaders and innovators from a variety of industries who have contributed to recent and evolving robotics breakthroughs.

A wide range of performance technologies, gaming leagues, and lifestyle items have entered the mainstream, from "apps" on a phone for health-conscious consumers to data-measuring wearables for competing athletes to esports. Companies are entrusted with constantly designing, manufacturing, and branding new and inventive items in order to keep up with client demand.

Textiles are used to preserve vulnerable crops, assist doctors in enhancing the lives of their patients, monitor your vital signs, and increase the comfort of your clothing. Textiles cover a wide range of items that are utilized in a wide range of applications.
